As a retailer, the concept of growing your sales numbers likely enters your mind on a pretty frequent basis. You consider various ways to market and promote your goods, but remain mindful of not overspending. Naturally, one of the top ways to boost revenue is to grow your average order value (AOV). Your AOV refers to the average amount of money your customers spend when they place orders in your online shop.

What can you do to make your customers buy more from you? Here are five ways for retailers to increase their average order value:

1. Offer free shipping on minimum orders.

There are few (if any) concepts better than free shipping when it comes to boosting your e-commerce sales. Online shoppers simply love this offering as it ensures they’ll enjoy savings. Offering free shipping doesn’t mean you’ll lose out, however. It’s wise to include shipping costs in the prices of your items instead of tacking on “extra” charges at the checkout. Hidden charges, such as shipping costs, often lead to cart abandonment.

In your e-commerce store, make clear that free shipping is available for purchases over a certain amount. “Free shipping for orders over $25!” is a great promotion to plaster all over your company website.

2. Give out freebies.

Branching off of that last point, it’s undeniable that the word “free” is an effective way to garner interest. Offer your online shoppers free gifts with their purchases. Everyone enjoys getting greater value for the money they spend. Why not offer a $10 gift card for your store to those who make purchases over $50? Doing so will not only encourage larger purchases, but it will practically ensure your customers come back for more shopping ventures in future.

3. Create a loyalty program.

There’s no business like repeat business! You’d be hard pressed to find a business owner, from any industry, who doesn’t appreciate loyalty. Why not offer your return customers additional benefits for their support? Create a loyalty program that offers points that can be redeemed for future purchases. With such an incentive, you’re bound to have both return visitors to your online shop and a natural increase in sales, as a result.

4. Offer limited-time promotions.

Creating urgency in your shoppers is a great way for them to click “buy now” on your product pages. By creating limited time offers for your products, you will entice your site’s visitors to go ahead with their purchases instead of leaving your site without buying anything. After all, who wouldn’t prefer to purchase an item at a cheaper price than normal? No one likes missing out on a good deal. Offer such short-term discounts as “Get 15% off if you buy within 48 hours”.

5. Promote your “companion” products.

Has one of your website’s visitors selected a pair of winter gloves and placed it in his/her shopping cart? This provides you with the perfect opportunity to showcase the toques and scarves you have available!

No matter what type of products you sell, you very likely have items that go great together as companions. Make sure that all of your online shoppers are aware of the “partners” of the products they buy. Consider offering discounted prices to shoppers who purchase companion items together.

At Taliup Express, we’re excited to offer retailers a fantastic new way to allow their customers to place direct online orders. To learn all about our commission-free online ordering system, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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