The busiest shopping season of the year is upon us! With the holiday season fast approaching, retailers all over Canada are gearing up for a significant increase in both foot and website traffic. With that said, it’s important for such business owners to not rest on their laurels. Everyone has competition. In order to outdo competitors, a retail business owner must prepare to entice customers to choose their store over others. But how do you do that?

Decorate your store with eye-catching holiday displays.

Decking the halls is an age-old holiday tradition. By creating a festive atmosphere at your shop, you will communicate a clear message to consumers. Your place of business is a great destination for all of their gift-buying needs! Be sure to set up seasonal displays as well. By creating new and attractive holiday displays, you will help to increase the amount of time customers spend in your store. They will enjoy taking in the sights and sounds as much as they will like making purchases for their loved ones.

Stock up on inventory.

Ordering inventory appropriately requires an examination of the sales you made during previous holiday seasons. Surmise from those numbers the number of new products you’ll need to order so that you can adequately stock your shelves. Don’t forget to check your warehouse or back room before placing your inventory order. You just may have some products lying around that would make for great gift ideas for holiday shoppers.

Create a holiday gift guide.

What to buy? This is a question on the minds of many a shopper during this time of year. In many cases, gift guides help consumers to make buying decisions. Design a gift guide and be sure to share it through as many outlets as you can. Send out e-newsletters, update your website and highlight the guide on all of your social media accounts. Keep your target audience in mind. Who are they shopping for? Create different categories to showcase the benefits of your various products.

Highlight your safety measures.

To entice more customers to visit your brick and mortar shop, promote your adherence to COVID-19 protocol. Set capacity limits, place hand sanitizer stations throughout your store and install signage requesting visitors to wear their masks when entering your store. As well, highlight your curbside pickup solution as an option for those who don’t wish to walk through your front doors.

Set up your e-commerce site.

Pandemic or no pandemic, online shopping will likely always be a go-to decision for holiday shoppers. E-commerce sales significantly rose in 2020 due to COVID-19 and the restrictions it placed on in-person shopping. Expect the trend to continue this year. Consumers are still looking for safe ways to get their holiday shopping done. Make sure your online shop is up to date. That entails adding holiday-themed imagery, revising product descriptions, including high-quality product photos and offering an easy checkout process.

At Taliup Express, we proudly help retailers to take advantage of e-commerce. As part of offering our commission-free online ordering system, we set up company websites and accompanying apps to help small businesses grow their reaches and increase their profits. To learn all about it, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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