The pandemic has forced restaurateurs all over Canada to reinvent their businesses. For the better part of the past year and a half, restaurant owners have been obligated to transition their dine-in models to the takeout and delivery variety. For a time there, it felt like things would never be the same. Even worse, for some, it felt like their businesses wouldn’t survive.

With the end of the COVID-19 crisis looming, it’s important to remember that once things go back to ‘normal’…they won’t exactly be the normal we used to know. The contactless methods of ordering food will remain – even when patrons visit your restaurant to dine in person. In a post-pandemic world, it will be important for your restaurant to usher in the era of contactless dining.

What is contactless dining?

Contactless dining is a way for customers to order and enjoy their meals with very minimal contact with wait staff. This method enables people to eat in a comfortable environment that continues to practice social distancing. It’s important to note that once restrictions lift and it is deemed “safe” to open up your indoor dining area, not everyone is going to be quick to make reservations. Business owners will need to be prepared to accommodate heightened consumer anxieties.

With Taliup Express’ commission-free online ordering system, you will be able to let your customers enjoy a contactless dining experience. This means guests can easily view the menu, place their order, and pay for their meal using QR code technology and their mobile device. This option eliminates the need to handle the highest touched surface in a restaurant, printed menus. It also removes the need for constant face-to-face interactions between diners and staff. By streamlining operations and giving guests more control over their dining experience restaurants have the opportunity to turn tables faster and alleviate staffing challenges.

Why will contactless dining be important post-pandemic?

As we alluded to, it is likely to take some time for the general public to cohesively agree to mix and mingle again. Naturally, many people will wish to continue to take precautions even when they’re told that the pandemic is behind us. Management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company confirmed this through studies they have been conducting since the start of the pandemic, back in March of 2020.

In total, 45 countries have been fielded so far. All surveys have been conducted online in local languages. They take place on either a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis, depending on the region. “Consumers across the globe have responded to the crisis and its associated disruption to normal consumer behaviours by trying different shopping behaviours and expressing a high intent (65 percent or more) to incorporate these behaviours going forward,” McKinsey & Company reports.

How will contactless dining help boost your patronage?

As you’re well aware, the vast majority of restaurant transactions take place online these days. There is no reason to assume that the general public isn’t adept at using their mobile devices to order their meals. Continuing this trend once hungry patrons revisit your establishment will only help to foster peace of mind and enjoyment. Not only will taking a contactless approach greatly support the ongoing success of your restaurant in the short-term, it will also set up your business to sustain changing consumer behaviours and remain resilient in the post-pandemic future.

Allow Taliup Express to get your restaurant all set up to take contactless orders and receive contactless payments. When your guests are able to both order and pay at the table, you will turn tables faster, improve order accuracy, reduce employee dependency and increase your revenue. To be set up with our commission-free online ordering system, please don’t hesitate to book a demo with Taliup Express today!

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